Sunday, January 29, 2012

11 turn

I thought I could escape the "tagging" by my teammates, but Laura got me. It must be retribution for the pictures I posted of her after our night at the Ulman Cancer Fund's Blue Jeans Ball. Since all of my teammates and the bloggers I follow have already been tagged, I am making this blog post a note on facebook and tagging 11 people there.  

Here we go:

1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!

11 Things about Me:

1. I have allergies and seem to always leave crumpled tissues in the bed. It drives Tommy CRAZY!

2. I tend not to forward chain emails, but I can't pass this one up as I have enjoyed reading everyone else's post. I think I shy away from the chain letters/emails, but to this day am a bit haunted by a childhood chain letter experience. A friend of my Mom's had a son younger than me (I was probably 10 or 12). He had Leukemia. I remember my Mom talking about him having low platelets, and me picturing little plates floating around in his blood. He sent me a chain letter at some point, and I put it in my desk thinking I would reply at some point. Mikey passed away before I replied, and at the time I felt horrible, since people always said breaking the chain brought bad luck. So I guess now I ignore them entirely because otherwise I would stress myself out about responding to EVERY chain email. (More thank you wanted to know, huh?)

3. I was on the Equestrian Team (a club team) at the University of Maryland for my freshman year of college.

4. I have been known to talk a LOT. When I get focused on a project, I get really quiet, and it tends to freak those around me out a bit.

5. I became a firefighter when I was 18 (yes- I actually rode fire engines and put out fires), and met Tommy at the firehouse.

6. I was fortunate enough to travel across the country twice with my grandparents in their Ford pickup and travel trailer.

7. I cannot pee on my bike. Many triathletes can do this, but I have never been able to accomplish it (I have no problems doing it in my wetsuit or while running, though)

8. I went to a High School with a graduating class of 18 people and a total size of 80 people.

9. Because of #8, I played softball (co-ed), soccer (co-ed), basketball, and ran track in high school. Yes, I was 5'1" and the point guard of our bball team!

10. I fell madly in love at 17, he dumped me at 19 (in retrospect the best thing that could have happened for us), back together when I was 22, married when I was 23, and at 35 I love him more than I did 18 years ago.

11. I think there is nothing better than the sound of my children giggling...even if it is 9:11 pm as I type this and they should be sleeping.

Laura's Questions:
1. What is your DREAM job?
This sounds dorky, but I LOVE my job. I love the "Nancy Drew" aspect of my job. Someone comes to the hospital with an ailment, and our job is to figure out what and why. Sometimes this is very difficult, and I love the feeling that comes with solving the mystery. I also love explaining things to patients and their families in understandable terms and helping them "get it". 

2. If you could live ANYWHERE where would you go?
Cairns, Australia

3. Tell us your BIGGEST secret! ha.. okay a smaller one you are willing to share.
Hmmm...I'm kind of an open book. Not much to share...and I'm not telling you the really good ones.

4. How often do you weigh yourself?
Almost never...I can tell where I am better by how my clothes fit than what I weigh. 

5. Do you keep up w/ politics and current events?
I read the front page, the Metro section, and the Obituaries in the Washington Post. I definitely keep up with local events, and watch the news when I can (hard with young kids around), but I would not say I am keeping up with politics. I will pay attention when the primaries roll around and the current pre-election dust settles. I read the obits because I often find out about patients who have visited our hospital at some point passing away that way. 

6. What is your favorite time of day?
Morning. I love the promise of a new day, and I love the mornings when Tommy gets off work and comes home to greet us before we head out to work/school. I really look forward to him coming in the door those days. 

7. How many hours do YOU sleep a night?

8. What is your BIGGEST lifetime goal//dream?
Ok- I am a bit dorky. Thanks to an amazingly supportive family, I have been able to cross a lot off my "bucket list"....honestly I don't have much of a bucket list because as things come I take them on. Most of all, I would like my kids to one day look back on their childhood and think that I was a good Mother.

9. Would you consider yourself a half empty or half full type?
Half Full. Almost disgustingly so. Have you heard of Polyanna. I honestly want to find the bright side in most situations, and want everyone to be happy. (Not to say I don't have negative moments, but I think when you work in healthcare you have a tendency to think "It could always be worse."

10. Do you reduce, reuse, recycle?
Our county is phenomenal about recycling, so they make it easy. They actually started charging for plastic bags at all stores to reduce pollution, so that has made me remember my reusable bags on a regular basis now. 

11. Do you strength train?
Not lately, but core and yoga. 

My Questions:
1. Beer or wine?
2. What is your favorite holiday and why?
3. If there is one famous person (celebrity, historical figure, author, etc.) you could meet, who would it be and why?
4. If you could be on a reality show (and have whatever talent required to be on that show), which one would it be?
5. If you could only have one artist on your Ipod, who would it be?
6. If you had to change careers, what career would you choose?
7. If you had to go back and re-live one year of your life, when would that be?
8. If you could be a professional in any sport, what sport would that be?
9. What is your all-time favorite book?
10. What scares you most: sharks, snakes, or spiders (or none of the above)?
11. If you could visit one place in the world that you have never been before, where would it be?


  1. LOVE these!
    And we are so teaching you how to pee on your bike! I am on a mission. :)


  2. This is a great list Kier! Love the story of you and your hubby... ahhh - young love! :) And you talk a lot? that's not what I've heard! ;)

    Peeing on the bike takes time... and practice. Keep working on it!
